Tuesday, May 27, 2014

PodcastAlley.com Versus Podcasts.com


PodcastAlley.com (which we'll call PA from here on out) and Podcasts.com (which we'll call PC from here on out) are similar in the fact that they both allow you to search for podcasts that fit into certain genres. It seems like PA has a much larger variety in genres, but the preview aspect of each one is not as defined as it is with PC. PC has less genres to chose from, but whenever you do select a genre, you are able to visually see what the podcast is about making it much more pleasing to the eye and more likely to be chosen over PA.

After searching through the types of podcasts available on each site, I was drawn to those on the PA website more. The music section in PA is more appealing because it generalized music (i.e. world music), rather than making a podcast on one specific artist like PC does.


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