Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to: I.D. the necessary skill sets

The Did You Know 2.0 video shocks the viewer in the opening ten seconds with the realization that the U.S. is not top of educational food chain (on the other hand, I really hope that it wasn't that much of a shock). If the U.S. is behind, then what do we need to do to get on top? This question brings one user of shifthappens to create a discussion on the necessary skill sets in the 21st century. Some of those brought up include: the ability to be an independent learner, the ability to recreate oneself (over and over again), and the need to recognize personal and social responsibility. It amazes me that someone took the time to create such a list, because it's one that I feel we are sorely in need of incorporating into the mainstream educational system.

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